Thursday, February 14, 2013

Sunny SoCal

Ruth and I are down in southern California visiting her parents and spending time with a subset of her sisters. The weather was challenging when we first came in last Friday (snow!) but it's warmed up to the mid-70's today and should be in the low 80's over the weekend. I bring this up because it's GREAT!

Cleveland is horribly depressing from Jan to Mar in a typical year and we've found that the best possible thing for us to do is get out of town to some sunny place for a week or so to avoid morbid depression.

Unfortunately, even though I'm on "vacation" I'm still not on vacation. I have a manuscript to finish and some work to do on a colleague's grant and I need to do some reading and work on my own grant. So I have plenty to do.

I also signed up for a Coursera course on Digital Sound Design (taught by an Emory prof) and that's been great fun because he's using OSS software that runs on Macs, Linux, and Windoze. Very nice! I've learned a lot and the course has inspired new ideas about how to get guitar noize into the computer and transmogrify it into something more entertaining than my analog playing. Unfortunately, there are enough lectures (and two exams) that I have to keep up on them. Regardless, it's fun and informative so I'm expanding my horizons and learning new things—the pattern I thrive on.

In other news, I have two guitars to finish building when I get back to Cleveland! Pics will follow....